Young Adult Reading Machine
As a teacher-librarian, I have the opportunity to read young adult books to share with my students. The list that I have provided will have an overview of the book and personal comments. They are on a Book-mercial style image to get a taste of the essence of the book.
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Spy×Family #8 SPY×FAMILY 8 by Tatsuya Endo
Spy×Family #8 SPY×FAMILY 8 by Tatsuya Endo is a graphic novel I am enjoying. So far this is the one that I won't be buying for the library. There is a lot of violence in this graphic novel. The Assassin is pretty busy protecting a family that has a hit on in. There are multiple hit people and it's a blood bath as she takes each one out. It's still a good graphic novel and the bad guys get it but I'm not comfortable putting this one in my high school library.
Saturday, March 15, 2025
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder #0.5 Kill Joy by Holly Jackson
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder #0.5 Kill Joy by Holly Jackson is an interesting novella. It's kind of a fun who done it. Fine for any high school library.
Spy×Family #7 Spy x Family, Vol. 7 by Tatsuya Endo
Spy×Family #7 Spy x Family, Vol. 7 by Tatsuya Endo is a fine graphic novel that works very well. Fine for high school libraries. I'm reading the series before I add to the school library. It's a good read.
A Tourist Trap Mystery #0.5 Murder in a Tourist Town by Lynn Cahoon
A Tourist Trap Mystery #0.5 Murder in a Tourist Town by Lynn Cahoon is the backstory of how Jill the lawyer becomes Jill the bookstore owner. It's a short novella that is a good read. Gotta love those cozy murder mysteries. The audiobook also very good. Enjoy.
Hamish Macbeth #33.5 Death of a Laird by M.C. Beaton , R.W. Green
Death of a Laird is a cozy murder mystery series that I enjoy. Travel to the highlands and meet a very handsome police officer as he solves cases.
Lord Edgington Investigates #7.5 A Novel Way to Kill: A 1920s Mystery Novella by Benedict Brown
A Novel Way to Kill is a new series that I am starting. A cozy murder mystery that is told in a grandson's perspective. A good listen to or read. Enjoy.
A Tourist Trap Mystery #15 Songs of Wine and Murder by Lynn Cahoon
A Tourist Trap Mystery #15 Songs of Wine and Murder by Lynn Cahoon is a great cozy mystery murder series I truly enjoy. Lynn Cahoon has a few different series. The audiobook is also good. Enjoy.
Let Liberty Rise!: How America’s Schoolchildren Helped Save the Statue of Liberty by Chana Stiefel , Chuck Groenink (Illustrator
Let Liberty Rise!: How America’s Schoolchildren Helped Save the Statue of Liberty by Chana Stiefel , Chuck Groenink (Illustrator is a great picture book to add to any school library. The story is told summed up with great illustrations. I learned something about history. A good read.
SPY×FAMILY 6 by Tatsuya Endo
Spy Family 6 is a great series to add to a high school library. I am reading through the volumes to make sure that they are fine to add just in case they are not. So far so good. I like this series. It's a fake family that work together for a spy's mission. They each have their own secrets. And the dog is adorable.
Heartless by Marissa Meyer
Heartless by Marissa Meyer is a prequal to Alice in Wonderland. Marissa Meyer's bring characters to life in her retelling of well known stories. A young girl who just dreams to be a baker and go against her family wishes fall in love with a young man from the mirror world. This is their story. A good read and a good audio book. Fine for any high school library.
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Counting Miracles by Nicholas Sparks
Counting Miracles is a great adult book to read. It has all the elements to make this a successful story. I highly recommend it. The audio book also very good.
On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century by Timothy Snyder
On Tyranny I wish everyone could read this book. Our country is in big trouble and it would help to see what a group of dangerous people are up to.
Promise Boys by Nick Brooks
Promise Boys by Nick Brooks turns out to be a very good murder mystery for teens. I found the cover of the book did not do it justice. It's a smart book and fine for any high school library.
The Blood Years by Elana K. Arnold
The Blood Years by Elana K. Arnold is based on the author's grandmother who lived through a lot of experiences. Some very painful. There is a few scenes in which the youngest sister is used by an older man who provides food for their family. Being Jewish, put the family in the path of bullies from the Russians, Germans and even fellow non-Jewish neighbors. It's a story about survival, family and sisterhood. A good one to add to any high school library.
Historical Genre,
The Tenth Mistake of Hank Hooperman by Gennifer Choldenko
The Tenth Mistake of Hank Hooperman by Gennifer Choldenko is a great read. Hank has ups and downs in his life. For a middle school kid, he has a lot to burdern. Taking care of his baby sister. A mom who disapears with no word, finding food and then going to get help. It's a good book and good people show up in his life. And a few bad ones too. Add this one to your middle school library.
My Nest of Silence by Matt Faulkner
My Nest of Silence by Matt Faulkner is a great book to add to any school library. It's part graphic novel and part novel. A touching relationship of a young girl and her older brother. Shown both sides of the war, camp life and soldier life. Very well done.
Enigma Girls: How Ten Teenagers Broke Ciphers, Kept Secrets, and Helped Win World War II by Candace Fleming
Enigma Girls is a simple retelling of teen girls from Britian who worked in a secret location to find out what the German military was up to so that they could protect soldiers and civilians during World War II. A fine book to add to any school library.
women's studies,
WWII mystery
Gilmore Girls: A Stars Hollow Celebration! (Funko Pop!) by Lauren Clauss , Meg Dunn (Illustrator)
Gilmore Girls was one of my favorite TV shows. I loved the snappy conversations and watching Rory grow up. This Little Golden Picture book is a sweet revisit to Stars Hollow. Fine for anyone who is a fan. Enjoy.
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller is definitely and adult book. There are a few highly romantic scenes. What I appreciate is that it's all nuanced but still you know what is happening. One of my high school students read it on his own and liked it. So I would say perfect for public library and private reading but not for high school libraries. Having said that, it is a good book and well written and follows the Achilles myth very well. It is good literature geared more for adults. The audiobook is also very good.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Stephen Colbert's Midnight Confessions by Stephen Colbert , The Staff of the Late Show , Sean Kelly (Illustrator)
Stephen Colbert's Midnight Confessions by Stephen Colbert, The Staff of the Late Show, Sean Kelly(Illustrator) a truly funny and entertaining book. Silly and funny for adults. Enjoy.
The Odyssey: A Graphic Novel by Gareth Hinds , Homer
The Odyssey: A Graphic Novel by Gareth Hinds, Homer
I liked this depiction of the Greek story of a mighty warrior trying to get back home. Any nudity is blurred. A bit of blood from battle scene but it all works. A good book to add to any high school library. Helpful when teaching 9th grade English.
Listen: How Evelyn Glennie, a Deaf Girl, Changed Percussion by Shannon Stocker , Devon Holzwarth (illustrator)
Listen: How Evelyn Glennie, a Deaf Girl, Changed Percussion by Shannon Stocker, Devon Holzwarth(illustrator) A good book to have in any school library. True story of how a young girl over came obstacles and did not take no to become a prominent percusionist.
picture book,
picture books,
All Better Now by Neal Shusterman
All Better Now by Neal Shusterman is a fantastic story. How he comes up with twists in his stories is amazing. He did it again! I'm so getting this book for my high school library. I hope he plans on writing a sequel. It's so good.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 by John C. Maxwell
Developing the Leader Within You 2.0 is an excellent book for leaders of business, schools, presidents and others. Add this one to your be a better leader shelves and read the book.
James by Percival Everett
James is a smart story that represents Jim from Huckleberry Finn. Jim is a smart man who is running away from slavery. Huck teams up with Jim by chance and together travel meeting dangerous people and dangerous situations. Percival Everett knows how to write a story. This is a good one. The audio book also very good.
The Banned Books Club by Brenda Novak
The Banned Book Club is a good story. There is family dysfunction, healing and rebuilding of lives. a compelling story. A good read.
The Hexologists #1 The Hexologists by Josiah Bancroft
The Hexologists is a great book. More for adults. If you like fantasy with a 1920's vibe, it's a good read. Smart and clever. Enjoy.
The Teller of Small Fortunes the Julie Leong
The Teller of Small Fortunes is a great book! I plan on reading more stories by Julie Leon. This is her debut novel. She's set the bar high. It's even fine for high school libraries.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
The Black Girl Survives in This One Desiree S. Evans (Editor) , Saraciea J. Fennell (Editor) , Brittney Morris (Contributor)
The Black Girl Survives in This One is a very smart collection of short stories. I plan on adding this one to my high school library. A good read. Enjoy.
The Moth Keeper by K. O'Neill
The Moth Keeper is a lovely graphic novel with a diverse community that works together. A young girl becomes an apprentice to help take care of special moths that help plants grow. She must help fix an error when she loses the moths. A good read.
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End, Vol. 1 by Kanehito Yamada (Writer) , Tsukasa Abe (Illustrator)
Frieren, is the story after a band of diverse warriors move on with their lives. From time to time Frieren, the long lived elf goes and visits her friends.
A good graphic novel to add to high school libraries.
Wynd #1 Wynd, Book One: The Flight of the Prince by James Tynion IV (Writer) , Michael Dialynas (Illustrator) , Aditya Bidikar (Letterer)
Wynd, book one is fine for graphic novels to add to high school libraries. It has adventure, danger, evil villians and survival. There is a form of racism and people working together to help each other. A good read.
My Happy Marriage, Vol. 4 My Happy Marriage (Manga) #4 by Akumi Agitogi, Rito Kohsaka with Tsukiho Tsukioka
My Happy Marriage, vol 4 is a graphic novel that is fine for high school libraries. It's a Cinderella story line of a daughter who had to be a servant in a well to do family. She has a jealous mean half sister. The young man she ends up engaged to, shows kindness and helps her build her confidence. As he quietly investigates her family, he makes a connection that her deceased mother may have been part of a secretive magical family. A good read.
Inner Excellence: Train Your Mind for Extraordinary Performance and the Best Possible Life by Jim Murphy
Inner Excellence is a self help book to focus on improving on your life. There's a game plan in this book. It's similar to other self-improvement books. A fine book to check out.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
The Disappearing Spoon: And Other True Tales of Madness, Love, and the History of the World from the Periodic Table of the Elements by Sam Kean
The Disappearing Spoon is a very interesting book. Besides print, it also comes as an audiobook. It's really filled with lots of information about elements of chemistry and the people who were involved with the subject. Fine for any library.
All the Lovely Bad Ones by Mary Downing Hahn
All The Lovely Bad Ones is written for older elementary students & middle school students. I wasn't really impressed with the story. It's okay. Fine for school libraries but not my favorite.
My Happy Marriage, Vol. 3 by Akumi Agitogi , Tsukiho Tsukioka (Designer) , Rito Kohsaka (Illustrator)
My Happy Marriage book 3 is part of a graphic novel that I would like to add to my high school library. It's a charming series. It reads like a variation of a Cinderella story. A good manga to add to high school libraries.
My Happy Marriage 02 by Akumi Agitogi , Rito Kohsaka (Illustrator)
My Happy Marriage book 2 is a charming graphic novel. Miyo lacks confidence and self esteem after all the years of mistreatment by her own family. But she is starting to blossom with the care of her fiance and his house maid/friend. Fine for any hishg school.
My Happy Marriage, Vol. 1 Rito Kohsaka , Akumi Agitogi (Original Creator)
My Happy Marriage, Vol. 1 was recommended to me by a friend. Thanks Sarah Smith. I'm enjoying this series. I think it is perfect for high school graphic novel collection. Story line and illustrations are fine. Enjoy.
The Booklover's Library by Madeline Martin
The Booklover's Library is a great story. I highly recommend this book. The audiobook super good. The characters come with solid backstories and they all connect together well. Fall in love with this book. Enjoy!
Historical Genre,
The Christmas Bookshop #2 Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop by Jenny Colgan
Midnight at the Christmas Bookshop is a story with heart and soul. Carmen and all the other cast of characters are solid and a strong community. Jenny Colgan stories are addicting because they are so charming. Right up there with Bridget Jones Diary. Enjoy.
Noodle Shop Mystery #6 Killer Kung Pao by Vivien Chien
Killer Kung Pao is a cozy murder mystery. It's a good read and the audibook is also good. The cast of characters and the drama and community works well. Enjoy.
murder mystery,
Noodle Shop Mystery #5 Egg Drop Dead by Vivien Chien
Egg Drop Dead is a cozy murder mystery. I'm hooked on this series. Great story line, great characters and great plot. Enjoy. also great audiobook.
murder mystery,
Vintage Cookbook Mystery #1 Bayou Book Thief by Ellen Byron
Bayou Book Thief is a cozy murder myster that is a good read. I'm hooked. Escape and put your detective hat on and see if you can spot the murderer.
Sunday, January 19, 2025
MISHKA by Edward van de Vendel & Anoush Elman ; illustrated by Annet Schaap ; translated by Nancy Forest-Flie
Mishka is a sweet story about a rabbit and a family. The family shares their story with their youngest who was to young to remember the trip that was so harrowing. And then the family rabbit gets out of it's hutch and they go searching for it. A good story. Fine for many young children's libraries.
Star Splitter by Matthew J. Kirby
Star Splitter is a scifi story. A girl wakes up in the human 3D printer and sees all sorts of bloody handprints and later crashed space ship. It's a horror murder mystery. It's all right. Not for everyone.
Vera Wong #1 Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers by Jesse Q. Sutanto
Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers is a great story. I loved this story and look forward to the next book! A smart cozy murder mystery. Vera is a charming pushy lady that feeds her suspects while trying to find out who the killer is. She is smart and pays attention to all the little details. She is also a very kind lady. Enjoy this great story. A delight to read or listen to the audiobook.
Rez Ball by Byron Graves
Rez Ball is a boy book. I did like the story but there is fbombs and drinking but it is a big part of the story. It ran authentic and true. It also shows how people can be prejudice against Indigenous people. Fine for high school.
Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult
Ninteen Minutes is an excellent book, well written. It takes you on a journey with flashes back and forth of two women raising their children. They were originally friends. Told in multiple viewpoints, Picoult is a gifted writer that brings authentic perspective for each character. An important read about a school shooting.
Saturday, January 11, 2025
Assistant to the Villain #1 Assistant to the Villain by Hannah Nicole Maehrer
Assistant to the Villain is a very entertaining story. It's fantasy and romance. Mainly adult but it could be YA as well. I liked this story a lot and look forward to reading book 2. A lot of humor in this magical story. Enjoy.
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