Wednesday, September 18, 2024

For Every One by Jason Reynolds

For Everyone is a book that should be added to every high school library. The audibook is also worth listening too. Inspirational.

The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling

THe Ex Hex is definitely adult with mature content. It's one sexy book. I got the book for free and I ended up listening to the audiobook. It's entertaining.

The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo is one of my favorite modern authors. The Familiar is definitely an adult book that takes you back in time to Spain and the Inquisition. People are being persecuted for dangerous reasons. A young servant girl, yearing for more then her dreary life, is caught making miracles and now is forced in to a competition. A mysterious man is helping her. Each has their secrets as she navigates around others who are also talented and equalling cunning. A good read and a good audiobook.

All In by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

All In is part of a smart series of teen sleuths working for the FBI. They are a small group of teens, in everystory, one teen's back story is revealed. These unusual teens have a life story that gives them unqiue abilities. A serial killer is on the lose and as they work together to solve the case the realize that it is deeper then they had expected. It's a good read.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Killer Instinct by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Killer Instict is a good read and good audiobook. It's a smart story and a good series. Jennifer Lynn Barnes writes good series that I include in my high school library. Enjoy.

Friday, September 13, 2024

The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst

The Spellshop is a great story and I hope it becomes a series. I know plenty of high school students who would enjoy this story. It's on my shopping list. I listened to the audiobook. It's good. I love the characters and the plot and it's what I would call a comfort book to read, especially after something that might be heavy. Enjoy.

The Art of Power by Nancy Pelosi

The Art of Power by Nancy Pelosi is a good read. Also a good listen in audiobook. Dive in to the last few decades and see first hand through the eyes of the author history in the making. So many important events, taking care of people and working with world leaders. Nancy Pelosi is a very strong woman and a good role model.

The Eyes and the Impossible by Dave Eggers

The Eyes and the Impossible is a beautiful story that fits right up there with classic children's story. It's a special story of a group of animals living on an island and interacting with each other. You'll fall in love with a very special dog.

Wonton Terror by Vivien Chien

I love cozy murder mysteries. I plan on following this series. Wonton Terror is a good one to follow. Enjoy. Also the audibook is good as well.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer

The Lost Story is a magical story set contemporary times. I was able to listen to the audiobook. Two worlds that merge and that is lost is then found. Two boys come back changed after spending much time in the forest and one is not able to remember their time there. A mystery and then there is the girl who was lost in the same forest before them. A sister is know old enough to look for her. A good read.

All In The Family by Fred Trump Jf.

All In The Family is a well done sharing of the story of Fred Trump Jr. That starts at the history of his great grand father, grand father, father and then his own family. His candid sharing brings insight in to his family dynamics. A good book to read or listen to.

Thronebreakers by Rebecca Coffindaffer

Thronebreakers concludes this two book story. I was able to listen to the audibook. I thought it was good. If you like the Star Wars series, this is a good young adult version. Enjoy.

Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

This book is an excellent of magical realism. I listened to the audiobook and adore this story. An octopus in an aquarium in Washington state witness much. He becomes friends with the elderly cleaning lady. She is grieving the mysterious loss of her son who just disappeared. And then a different part of a story is a young man who is looking for an unknown father. A good read. Highly recommend. Remarkably Bright Creatures is the read you will be talking about. A truly good story.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Passion or Penalty by Leah Brunner

Passion or Penalty is centered in the world of hockey. It's a sporty romance story that is very adorable. It's fine for any ages.

The Stonekeeper by Kazu Kibuishi

The Stonekeepers is a charming book of two children who battle strange creatures to save their mother. They have help from creatures and robots that their grandfather created in a whole new world. It's a good novel to add to any children's library. A good read.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Ancient Night by David Bowles and David Alvarez

Ancient Night is a beautiful picture book that takes an ancient legend and brings it to life. A welcome addition to any school library

Orphans of the Storm by Celia Imrie

Orphans of the Storm involves the build up of the sinking of the Titanic, two little French boys are kidnapped by their dangerous father, right after a divorce. He's dangerous. The mother is barely 21, she's a seamstress who built up the buisness with her husband, now ex. He's a master manipulator. Go on a journey from the begining of a young woman filled with dreams to a mother believing her children and died on a ship until fate brings her new hope. The audiobook also very good.

The Library of Legends by Janie Chang

The Library of Legends is a slow book that builds up to an amazing story. I appreciate how the author tied up two stories, the one placed in China, in the 1930s when Japan invaded China, and a legend of a star who fell in love with a prince. It's a great story and listening to the audiobook is worth a go. Enjoy.

Monday, September 2, 2024

The Wealth Money Can't Buy by Robin Sharma

The Wealth Money Can't buy is a good book full of good advice. I am thinking about buying it for my high school library. A good gift book for graduation. The author does a good job of connecting with reader and the audibook is also very good. Enjoy.