Saturday, May 16, 2020

Return to Gone-Away by Elizabeth Enright

It's a sweet dated story of a time long ago.  The people are very nice and kind and they are restoring an old house.  If you are a fan of This Old House or If This House Could Talk or any HGTV show, then this would be fine for you.  It's simply told and dated.  It's fine for any library but my concern would be terms, objects  and history may be over young children's head.  It's akin to the original Box Car Children series.  This would be good for a parent or a teacher to read to children so they can explain or even do research on items such as a button up hook. (shoes used to be button up vs lace up or velcro or slip on).  Again it's sweet but goes back to a way different time.  Still,... enjoy.

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